#DefendAfrin: urgent call for mobilization

This is the message that Jacopo, editor of the Infoaut.org portal being based in the Afrin canton since the beginning of the Turkish-Jihadi aggression, delivered to us a short while ago. An urgent call to mobilize and break the silence in front of the worsening of the situation in Afrin.
In the latest hours the situation in Afrin became more critical: the invading Turkish army and its allied Jihadi gangs closed in on the city from several sides, in particular from the Shera axis. They are at a 2,5 km distance and directly threaten the city.
The situation inside Afrin is the one still ongoing in these days, then high density of people, many refugees from the villages that found here shelter from war and bombings, lack of water – because, when Jihadis and the Turkish army captured the Meidanki dam, they cut the supply and bombed the pumping stations in other villages. There is also lack of some basic necessities. Now the concrete risk is that in the next hours there would be an increasingly critical situation and that they would attack the city; even now there are artillery and aerial shellings in the peripheral areas of the city.
The Tev Dem called for a general mobilization, an uprising in every place and square in the world in order to defend Afrin, to stop the ethnic cleansing project that Erdogan and the Jihadi want to implement on Afrin’s populace, to ask for a no fly zone to stop the aerial bombings, that are also the ones producing a massive number of civilian casualties – if they were to further intensify and arrive to the downtown, they will surely perpetrate a massacre. These actions are already taking place in many European cities, and in Bashur, too.
What has to be done now is to break the silence of the international community, that is actually conniving with this plan; this is what is asked to be done to all the peoples of the world in order to support Afrin and its populace, to support the revolution in Northern Syria, and then the hope and the example of the revolution of our century for a free and democratic society where many different peoples can live together, also representing a proposal of peace for Syria. An uprising to defend Afrin, but also to defend a hope for the whole mankind.
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