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It all began with a siege

Let’s start again from Piazza San Giovanni. A square that on the 15th of October 2011 turned out to be a graveyard for political elites,both institutional and movement ones, trampled over by an expression of social antagonism irreconcilable with the forms of political representation. The following two years confirmed that it wasn’t an episodic outburst […]

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Londre appelle, Rome répond!

La journée d’aujourd’hui nous consigne quelques indications de fond par rapport à la force du mouvement des étudiants et à sa capacité de répondre à la crise qui nous entoure. Aujourd’hui, pour de vrai, “noi la  crisi non la paghiamo”(nous la crise ne la payons pas) se fait programme traduit en acte. Encore une fois […]

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Who is the Black Bloc? Where is the Black Bloc?

This question, appearing on most newspapers after every riot, such as the one in Rome on December 14, deserves an answer. Do you want to see what our faces look like, when they are not hidden by scarves, helmets and balaclavas? They are the same faces that pay the rent for your scruffy flats, the […]

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London calling, Rom svarar!

Idag har vi fått några indikationer på studentrörelsens kraft och dess kapacitet att svara på krisen som sveper om oss. Idag har verkligen ”vi betalar inte er kris” blivit ett program som förvandlat sig till agerande. Ännu en gång måste man ta en och annan stillbild för att berätta om dagens kamp och välkomnade 14 […]